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Kitten in heat?


Greetings. We recently adopted a stray kitten, whom is approximately 5 weeks old. Her name is Nateas, and she is intact (as I have always been advised to spay a cat at the 6 month mark). We also have 2 males, full-grown and neutured (Sage and Squeeky)...they are both over 3 years old.

Recently, in the last day or two, both males have been biting the back of Neteas' neck and attempting to mount her...but she is completely uninterested in this new 'game'. She does not display the usual female 'in heat' signs. Is she in heat, or are the males just crazy?

Please advise.


If she is in heat, it would be a item for Ripley's and is not likely.
The boys are just emotionally horny and going to keep bothering her until she is big enough to smack them down. I suggest that you keep her separated from them until she is big enough to defend herself. Also squirt them with water and yell no when they try to attack her.
She needs your protection until she is bigger.

Take care,