Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > siamese cats eyes are dark blue

siamese cats eyes are dark blue



I know siamese cats usually have bright blue eyes, but i have seen a siamese with very dark eyes, they appear almost black. But when you look closely you can see that there is blue. Is this normal? as i have never known a siamese to have such dark eyes before? or is there something wrong?

Hi Naomi

Yes it is possible and no there is nothing wrong.  I breed Birmans who also have blue eyes though not so deep as Siamese and as in everything there are shades. Some have pale eyes and some have darker.  I would say that the Siamese you have seen is probably too dark for the standard but on the other side of the coin, you may see a Siamese with much paler eyes than are required for the standard.  It is difficult with living animals to get it exactly right.
