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New mom


QUESTION: Hi My Persian had her babies. She had 5 kittens one was dead when i found her. I stayed with her until i was sure she was done. Although i thought i felt one more but she seems done. Eating and drinking and getting around fine. Last night she wanted me to stay next to her and if i got up she got up. I can't stay with her all the time. I noticed she will feed the babies but is not washing the bottoms for elimination. I decided this afternoon to do it myself in fear they would die. Why doesn't she wash them? Shes in my bedroom in a box in my closet. I had to move her because she had them on a high shelf was worried they would fall. Do you think i should put them in a large create in a quiet room? i feel like shes not connecting with them. Also it seems she contracts when nursing but no other time. Is this normal and the body's way of healing the uterus? help!

ANSWER: First time queens sometimes have difficulty figuring out exactly what it is they are supposed to do with their first litter.  Sometimes putting the kittens bottom up toward her mouth will entice her to clean them, or dip your finger in some water from canned water-packed tuna and rub it on their bottoms.  She will lick that off and get the idea very quickly after that.  It sounds like everything is okay, but I would definitely keep her out of high traffic areas for a couple of weeks.  She will probably want to move the litter at least once or twice so have her someplace she can't put them that is dangerous or difficult to get to.  If she is STILL having contractions and it's been more than 48 hours, I would have your vet do a quick check - just to make sure all is well.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Contractions have stopped. My new concern is that she doesn't stay with them. She will feed them and then leave the room. Shes been doing this since day 1. She will go to them if they are crying. Also we saw her washing them up yesterday afternoon.  So i didn't help them eliminate last night. I think ill try the tuna idea just in case. We rarely see her do it. How can i ensure they are healthy and not have to step in. Is there a way to tell if shes not washing them properly and they are getting enough to eat. Ill be glad when there a little older. Thanks so much for all the advice. You have been a god send:)

You can buy a food scale and weigh them daily.  They should be gaining steadily every day.  If they aren't crying and stay in a pile when they are in the nest, then she is probably doing just fine.  You can check a couple of times a day just to make sure she is cleaning them well.  Some mothers never leave the nest, others do what needs to be done, and then go about their business.  As long as the kittens aren't fussy and are gaining steadily, they are fine.