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Is she getting closer?


Hi my cats name is Baby and she has been pregnant for about 7 weeks now and she has clear stuff coming from her nipples and I can feel the babies moving around and she has a hard lump near where she has the babies I'm kinda worried about this. She has been sleeping alot the last couple of days and not eating all that much and last night she was acting weird like for once she slept near my stomach and she NEVER does that! I'm wodnering about how close do you think she is?

Normal pregnancy in a cat lasts for about 9 weeks from mating to delivery, which translates as 65 days approximately. So if this is 7 weeks into the pregnancy then she is due in about two weeks time. The actions are normal at this stage. You will need to be around her from about day 61 of her pregnancy and watch her and support her up to delivery.
