Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > 9 days old kitten

9 days old kitten



I have a litter of 4 persians about 9 days old. Their eyes are barely starting to open; I noticed that there is some clear tears coming out of their eyes.. there is no discharge or anything other than clear tears. Is this normal?
Also, I noticed that their faces especially the nasal area has black stains.. I wipe them off everyday, but they reappear the second day. Is this also normal? i'm thinking this might because of nursing.



Some kittens have more 'tears' in their eyes than others and the Persians are one of those.  As it is clear then there is no need for immediate concern but it should stop in a few days.  However because Persians have short faces, it may be that these kittens are over typed and they will have a problem with tears throughout their life.  The black stails on the nasal area are most probably the tears escaping down the nose.  

I would keep an eye on them in case it is the start of something more.  If they are not sneezing then don't worry too much.  Again if it continues for say the next week then it might be a good idea to pop them along to the vet to be checked out.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: well I did notice some sneezing. I'm thinking maybe its because of their flat faces,because they are indeed very flat-faced. What do you think of this?

Hi Moe

An odd sneeze at this age is OK but if they are sneezing a lot or they are all sneezing then I think they should see a vet to be on the safe side.  He may be able to prescribe some antibiotic drops to give them.

Kittens at this age really don't need to get cat flu.

