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breed & color


a stray had kittens at our house.  she is a tuxedo kitty with rust colored spots in the black fur when she lies in the sun and light yellow-green eyes.  2 of her kittens are black (black whiskers even) and have gorgeous dark brown stripes on either side of their spine - looks like a mink stole. their fur is somewhat long and velvety but with a shorter dense layer, too.  what combination could give that coloring - i've never seen anything like it.
thank you.

Hi Chris

With a cat of unknown ancestry it is difficult to even start guessing but it sounds like there may be tabby in the background somewhere, though most kittens do have some tabby markings when very young which tend to clear as the kittens grown into adults and their coat colour deepens.

Do enjoy the kittens - they sound delightful.