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provera for queens in season


hi i have been told i can use provera 5mg tablets to stops my queens calling if i am not mating them.How safe is it,what are the side effects,can it create any probs getting pregnant or during pregnancy and birth and how can i get hold of a supply?

Dear Kelly

Though we don't have Provera in the UK I do know the equivalent in my country.  It is only the name that is basically different.

Firstly you ask where you can get a supply - well I can't answer that other than your vet.  You may want to ask other breeders where they purchase theirs as the USA (I assume that's where you are) has different laws to drugs than we have. It is usually easier to get drugs in the US than the UK.

The side effects are putting on weight, possible diabetes if used long term, and possibility of Pyometra (severe womb infection which can lead to neutering).

Having said about the side effects, I have used its equivalent with no problems.  You need to use just .25 of a tablet at the first sign of a call which will put the cat off call.  Some breeders wait until a couple of days after a call and then give them the tablet and give it regularly  ranging from every 2 to 4 weeks depending on the cycle of their cat.  Be warned, if you get it from a vet, they are likely to suggest a much higher dose, but its not really needed.  A lot of vets don't know how to use it to control a cat's season.

My cats have never had problems getting pregnant or giving birth after being on the drug.  It is a very popular drug for this purpose in the UK.
