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I just adopted 2 cats recently from different backgrounds. They are not pedigree cats but they are a mixture of Siamese in them from their looks. Both are females and I love them both. At the moment, they have to cramp up in a rather small cage, but I'm planning to get a bigger cage so that they can move around freely. I don't intend to spay them because I can't wait to see them having their own litter. They look like they are around 6 to 8 months old.
I was thinking of adopting an un-neutered male cat and putting them all in this big cage, hoping to see the females getting pregnant and then giving birth inside this cage. I would love to see them all living together like a family.
My question is, am I being cruel to cage cats all the time even during their pregnancy and after giving birth because I understand that cats need a quiet and private place to give birth? What if I provide a box for the queen to give birth inside that cage? Would it be okay? Would she think that the male cat and the other female cat could be a threat to her kittens? What if I only take out the other female cat and leave the male cat together with the her and her litters?
At the moment, I haven't bought this cage yet as I'm thinking whether it's worth my money as the cage is not cheap. I'd love to keep them in my house but because some of my family members are asthmatic, I had to consider them too.
What's your opinion?

Dear Olivia

My heart sank when I read your question.

All the scenarios you give are extremely stressful to the cats and can only lead to disaster through sickness and if you were to have kittens in the cage then possible death of the kittens.  Cats need plenty of space to exercise and play and to give them any less would be cruel as they do not like being kept in a small restricted space with other cats.  All mother cats need privacy and quiet which she would not get with other cats in there and that alone could cause her to kill her own kittens.

My advise to you is if your family members are asthmatic is that they should be tested to see if they would react to the cats.  If they do react to cats, then you should seriously consider whether you should be keeping them, if they don't react then they should be given the freedom of the house and be treated like the regal animal they are.  You will get far more back from them this way.

Please reconsider your plans as you are heading for disaster and possible misery for the cats which they do not deserve.
