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Cat harnesses


Hi Barbara,

I realize this question isn't in your description of expertise, but I'm guessing that in 30 years, you've probably had to travel with your cats :)

I have a 2-year-old half-siamese lovebug named Riggy. He's a neutered male I've had since he was 4 months. He's very friendly, social, and pretty relaxed (if a bit needy) as cats go.

I'd like to train him to wear a harness so he can travel more places with me. The problem is, as a strictly in-door cat, he's never even had to wear a collar. He trusts me enough to get the harness on, but once it's on panic ensues.  I have to take it off again almost immediately because I'm afraid he'll hurt himself. Over the past couple of weeks, I've tried several times. He's calm right up until he becomes "aware" he's strapped into it, then he goes mad. I can't even leave it on for any length of time (beyond a few seconds) because the panic seems to escalate the more he realizes he can't get it off. Last time he jumped into the sliding glass door! (He was fine, by the way. Just ruffled.)

Do you have any advice on how to help him gradually accept the harness, and not think it will hurt him? Or do you think it's too late for new tricks?


Actually, I think that you would be much better off to take him out in a nice comfortable carrier. Obviously, he is a slightly high strung cat. This does not bode well for harness traning.  If he is on a harness, he can still bolt and hurt you or himself if he spooks.
I sincerely suggest that you use a carrier and keep both of you much more content.

Best wishes,