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my siamese seal point


I have a female Siamese seal point (pure bred) she is fixed. She is 1 1/2 years old. Im getting another one because she gets lonely and she needs a friend.....
MY QUESTION IS: should I get a female or male companion???  She's fixed so I guess it doesn't matter right?? But someone told me that when it comes to siamese there might be a certain sex in particular you should get in this case?? Can I get some feedback?!

In general, I suggest a female for a female unless the original cat is a very dominant one, then I suggest a male. The males are calmer and easier to get along with than females in general. However, he must be neutered as a kitten and not later, or he may try to breed her even if she is neutered.
If both are neutered very young then it makes little difference in the sex. The personality is more important.
