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cats behaviour


Dear marcia,
i would like to ask a question about my cat behaviour.i asked this question before on this website and was advised to ask it in this iam goning to post it here hopping to get any info.

i have 2 cats, white perisan male and a snowshoe female, they are 1 year and half. a month and half ago ,the snowshoes delieved for first time 5 kittens;
since that time, she is in constant miawling..1st i thought she wanted food,i supported with much,the situation was the same.when iam out my home,her voice is down my building.some volunteers on this website suggested that she could have something like depression after delievery.lately she rarely gives milk and if the kittens want ,after few seconds ,she begins to push them by her legs. she is so thin more than usual mother(you could easily see her bones) and as she sits near me when i have my dinner for example, she always stare somwhere for long time,never responding when i call her(before she used to run when hearing her name) and after that she breathes as if she is like anyone working for ages and being tired .
do you think that she is tired having 5 kittens at once?

i would be so thankfull for any info you support me

Firstly I would say that if your cat is not happy with her kittens at the age of 6 weeks you can quite easily remove them from her as they should now be eating proper food.

As far as the mum is concerned I think you should arrange a vet appointment very quickly so that he can investigate the symptoms as I would not be happy if my cat was doing what you have explained.
