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Grooming My Shorthair Cat


I am going to show my red/white cat at a show and was wondering what shampoo to get. He is outside right now but will be inside 2 weeks beforehand. His white paws look dingy and I know they won't like that. I am thinking about getting a brightening shampoo this one
and a conditioner this one

What my question was since he is red and white would it be okay to use the shampoo on his red. Would these products be good to use? Thanks!

I would suggest getting your kitty indoors and keeping him in if you are going to show him.  He will need to get used to a grooming "regime" of bathing and nail trimming to be ready to be shown.  The way the coat "feels" is as important as the way it looks.  You may have to experiment with various shampoos to see which gives you the best results.  The one you are looking at is fine.  Get as much dead coat out of your kitty as possible with a good comb or brush and do a flea treatment on him - especially since he goes outdoors.  If the judges see any fleas or flea dirt, they will have you remove him from the ring.  Make sure  you clean his ears well with a good ear cleaner.  On household pets,  the judges look most closely at their condition.  I would not use a color treated shampoo on your boy, because it may make the white "off colored"  With the brightening shampoos, a lot of them have a purple color to them.  Make sure you rinse rinse rinse and then rinse some more.  I once saw a persian (white) come into the showhall with a definite purple cast to his coat because the shampoo wasn't rinsed out before it stained.  Good luck at your show!!!  Hopefully, you will have a lot of fun.