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Feeding and Care


Hi Barbara,
You are wonderful! We have two of your cats and they are incredible! I just wondered if you had advice about food, water, teeth, and playing! Do you have a favorite book about cat care?

Lately they are quite finicky about what they eat and the water they drink. I was wondering if his teeth might be sensitive or what I should be doing as far as dental care.

Also, how can I keep them entertained! I've tried as many games as I can think of.  So far, they love the flying bird game and the laser!

They seem to miss us when we go away. I haven't figured out how to soften the separation anxiety yet.

Thanks so much for all of your help and for saving thd beautiful, true Turkish Angora.

I can't thank you enough for these wonderful loving cats!

Dear Laura,

I would be pleased to chat with you on the phone, if you will email me your phone number.  It may be that your cats need dental care which is usually obtained at the vet. Cleaning of their teeth or possible cavities, etc can be the problem. None of the cat care books have enough info for daily care and possible problems.

You may email me at
