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angora female prices?


Midnight in mourning.
Midnight in mourning.  
I have a beautiful angora kitten almost a year old, he is all black with a pinch of white on his chest and a smokie tail. He is beautiful and I got lucky with him because he was given to me by my neighbor. He is a mix. daddy was all angora the mom is american domestic. He got daddies traits, furry toes, almond eyes and plume tail all silky. I don't want him to be lonely all his life i'd really like find him a mate, all angora if possible, and i'd like to have kittens only once before spaying and nuetering both of them. So my main question is are Angora female cats really expensive? what are the price ranges? Is there anyone that is willing to sell one that isn't fixed? This last question is about talkative angoras- Do most angora's communcate in a short pause of purrs? example; purrrr, purrrr,purrrr. my boy tipically doesn't meow he purrr, purrrr, purrrr! aside from regular purring when he is happy. Thanks

Your boy is beautiful.  I would suggest contacting some breeders to get pricing on this breed.  I'm not familiar with the cost of this particular cat, but I do know it will be difficult to find a breeder that would be willing to place an intact female to be bred with a mixed breed male.  You can contact or to find some breeders that you can work with.