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kitten ellimination


Hi Marcia, Is it necessary to make sure my cat is helping her kittens eliminate?  I have been using a wet cotton ball to clean there bottoms twice a day.  The first couple of days a lot of macodium came out but I haven't seen much more than a little urine come out sense then. She seems to be a good mother but I worry they'll die if she doesn't help them eliminate. This is her first liter. Do I even have to help her or is this something mom cat will do automatically?

Dear Karen

Normally the mother cat will eliminate the kittens at regular intervals and you won't even realise she has done it.  If you see any faeces still under the tail then it is possible she may not be doing it and needs encouragement.  I have found that cleaning the kitten up and leaving it damp and then putting it in with Mum who will clean her kitten and dry it and usually carries on from there.

If your kittens are clean and happy then I think she is doing her job very well and you shouldn't need to be doing anything.  Cats have a wonderful instinct in these matters.

