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My persian cat


Hi, I have a Persian cat, and I wanted her to get pregnant cause i wanted small kittens :) which i can keep of course.. they will be taken care of.. anyway, we had another Persian male which i wanted them to mate. but this didn't happen she didn't like him and was scared all the time even though she was in heat cycle, and the male cat wasn't very interested as well, the problem is that she escaped from the house after a couple of days for an hour or two :( and i have reasons to believe that she mated with an outside cat :( a street short haired cat.. and i think she is pregnant now, I'm sorry my question is too long but here it is: if shes pregnant! what will the kittens look like? will they look like the street cat or like her (Persian with long hair)? plus, is there any problems from her mating with this cat? i mean health problems for her or for the kittens.. FYI: she is always getting veterinary check ups and shes very healthy..

Hello Muna
Well now you have a Persian that may be pregnant. To determine if she is you need to wait until the 21st day after you think she mated with this outside cat and check her nipples. If they are going pink then she may well be pregnant.
So first part over now what will the kittens look like.
Well this is all down to something called genetics. Think about you, your brothers and sisters if you have any and your friends. How similar do you or your brothers and sisters look like your mum or your dad and how similar do your friends look like their mum or their dad. Some look very much like their mum, others look like their dad and others well they just look different.
Some thing else to know is that kittens are not identical they are all unique like having several brothers and sisters all born at the same time. So some could look like mum, some could look like dad and some could look like a mixture. It really is not possible to say with any certainty what they will look like.
Finally the health issue is very important. You need to inform your vet that your cat has been outside and may be pregnant. He will probably carry out some blood tests to make sure she has not been infected with any cat disease and he may well be able to check to see if she is pregnant. The kittens will not be genuine Persians and may be difficult to rehome so please be ready for this when the time comes.
When she next comes on heat and you want to mate her then make sure she is in a correct stud quarter not a house. It would be difficult to escape from a stud quarter.
Now on a more serious note, if you acquired the cat from a breeder she should be on an active register or the breeder may well have advised you about breeding and where to take her for a stud. Do follow what they say please
Take care and I hope the Persian is fit and healthy