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ruby my persian cat


hi there I recently bought a persian cat and she is gccf registered but she is on the inactive register can I pay to have my cat put o the active register is this possible.regards jodie

Hi Jodie

When a breeder registers their kittens there may be a good reason why they have put them on the inactive register.  It may be that the cat is not of good enough type to breed from, it may be that genetically she may not be suitable or it may be that they have a contract with the stud owner that no kittens are to be sold for breeding.

You will need to speak to the breeder of your cat as, though cats can be transferred to the active register, it can only be done with the signature of the breeder.

It may be that the breeder routinely puts her kittens on the inactive register and may feel able to transfer her for you, but you do need to contact her to arrange this.

