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breeding siamese cats


My sister and I were just talking about her siamese cat, we were wondering if there is a general number of kittens born for a first litter??  Does the number of kittens depend on the number of times they mate while she's in heat??  Thx Brenda

HI there,

An average litter is between 4-6 kittens but I believe a breed like the siamese that has that long tubular body would tend towards having less kittens.  The number of kittens does not have anything to do with being a first litter.  It can have something to do with the number of matings though, to a certain extent.  

Cats are what's called induced ovulator's, meaning that their eggs do not drop until they have been bred so the more breedings the more eggs to fertalize.  The optimum number of times, or so I've heard is 4 times a day for three days, the female will then often go out of heat.

Hope this helps,
