Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > Ragdoll Mating Age

Ragdoll Mating Age


QUESTION: Hi, I had brought a 6 year old female ragdoll recently and I want her to have kittens. I was wondering if it is possible at her age to come into heat or get pregnant? Upto what age can a ragdoll go into heat and become pregnant? If she can at 6 years old, what signs do i need to look out for to know she is on heat? (Also my ragdoll cat is ill, got the flu, if ragdolls are ill, can they actually come into heat or does that happen after they are better and fully healthy? Thank you..

ANSWER: Hi Rihad
You say she has the flu, how do you know this? Have you had her seen by a veterinarian? If not then I suggest you do so as soon as possible. Also if your cat is ill it would be wise to have her treated to ensure she is not carrying any other virus apart from the flu. Cat flu can be debilitating that is it can cause problems health wise for your cat for a long time.
She would not be too interested in coming into heat either in this condition.
Now at 6 she is about 48 years old in human terms, rather old to start having kittens. If she has had a litter or more before then she may once in full health come on to heat. But if she has not had kittens before I would not recommend mating her at this age.  Further more if she has not had kittens before you need to find out why not.
Question the person you bought her from.
You would also need to see the pedigree to prevent any unacceptable mating happening.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Ray, I have taken her to the vet and she had flu, but she is recovering now. But when I took her to the vet, they said she has kidney problems (common in persian & ragdolls). I wanted her to have another litter of kittens then get her spayed after she had another one litter of kittens.  So can I still breed her for a litter of kittens even if she has kidney problem? That is my worry and concern. Thank you

I am sorry for the dealy in this answer, it seems to have slipped through the net for me
I would suggest that you openly discuss your intentions with your vet. He/she wil be better placed to advise based upon the severity of the kidney problem of your ragdoll.
My own thoughts would be not to breed from her, the problem could degenerate during her pregnancy and put her and the litter at risk. It could be genetic and be passed on to the kittens if they survive.
