Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > Do you know of Memebon?

Do you know of Memebon?


QUESTION: Most people who know of cute things, know of Memebon.
By looking at her, what breed of cat do you think she is? (website in Japanese)

ANSWER: Dear Kayla

Memebon looks like a tortie and white Exotic Shorthair.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I googled exotic shorthair... they are kind of cute, why do their eyes point in weird directions??

Is that a genetic 'defect,' is it harmful in any way to them?

ANSWER: Hi Ksyla

It is probably to do with the position of the eye but when they grow up this is not so pronounced.  Have a look at the adults on this page


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have another not so related question.

What determines a "show quality" cat from a "pet quality" cat?

Couldn't a stray adopted from an animal shelter be just as beautiful as a pure bred cat?

Hi Kayla

Each registering body for cats has a standard that is set for every breed and the difference between a show quality and pet can is how closely the cat conforms to that standard.  Some cats may have colour where they shouldn't, their head may not be broad enough, or their ears too small, eyes wrong shape or colour etc. etc. and that would then make them pet quality.

They say beauty is in the eye of he beholder and that is why standards have been set up to guide judges.  However, pet quality cats can often be entered in pet classes where they excel with their condition, temperament and the owners grooming prowess.
