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I have two beautiful cats that I call my own. I have had them almost 3 years now and I have had them since they were kittens. My question is, whenever I am trying to relax they like to come up and , I guess the correct term is "meed" on me, basically digging thier claws in to me and purring. I have figured it was because they wanted something but some times that is not the case. Why do they do this?

The word is knead, like as in kneading bread. Kittens start life, kneading their mothers' breasts while nursing. In afterlife, they will do it to things and people to show affection and to comfort themselves, as babies suck their thumbs.
It is nothing more or less than a means of relaxing and comfort. Why do people suck their fingers or chew their nails or smoke? That is the same reason why cats knead on their family or sometimes on inanimate things.
Relax and enjoy it!!
