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Breed of Cat



Hello, on Christmas my husband bought me a kitten and its been killing us what breed of kitten she is. she has stripes and spots. she is mostly gray and white but she has touches of light brownish orange at the end of her tail and some spots of it on her body. she has stripes going down her back but spots on her legs. thank you so much!

Shes darling!  I love the little tip of red on her tail.  It's really difficult to tell if she is any type of a breed other than a domestic short hair.  You can go to and look at all of the breeds there.  Just as with dogs, cats have pedigrees if they are a specific breed and they would have a paper trail to follow to tell you what type of breed they are.  Regardless if she has paperwork or not, she is still adorable!

Lori M.