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male cat


I have a 14 months old persian male, and a 17 months old female persian. The female did mate before and had a litter but with another male, since my male was not ready then.
The thing is, my male cat just started spraying like a month ago which I understood as a sign that he is ready to mate; so I put the female and male together and just watched what could happen. Surprisingly, they started playing together instead of mating LOL!! They both did show interested in one anothers genital area, but nothing more than sniffing!
why do you think my male did not try to mate? is he still too young? btw, my female wasn't in heat when I put them together (I just wanted to see the reaction).


ANSWER: Dear Khalifa

Spraying in a male just means that he is now sexually mature and is making his surroundings smell like his territory.  He may or may not at this stage mate.  You say your girl wasn't in heat - your boy will only be interesting in mating her if she is in season so that is why you only saw sniffing.  In due course course when she is in heat, he will mate her.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the response..

You said he would be only interested in her when she is in heat; does this mean I don't have to separate them except when the female is in heat??


If you are intending the two of them to mate eventually then there will be no need to separate them unless the time is not right for you to have kittens.  However separating them is actually beneficial as they then don't ge too used to each other.  Also putting them together when she is in heat means that you will know when the kittens are due to be born rather than him mating her before you are aware of her season and then not knowing when to expect the kittens.
