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Cats in season



I currently have a female ragdoll in season but do not want to breed her with my entire male as she had a litter of kittens 10 weeks ago. I've read somewhere that females can be given hormone injections to make them miss a season - is this true? As my male lives in the house with us as he does not spray and it is quite tricky making sure that they don't get near each other!
If this hormone injection is something you've heard of, is it only available to females, or is there something similar that can he given to males?

Kind regards


Hi Jess

There is an option to give your cat some injection to reduce her calling and miss a season.
There is also a cat nappy that you could dress the boy in, it basically prevents him actually mating her.

Remember she will call and be on heat for a number of weeks so you should be vigilant
