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Cat moving 3 day old kittens


My 1 yr old tabby had 3 kittens on Friday morning. She had them under the bath so upon the vets advice, I moved them and mum into a large cage which is big enough for them all with a litter tray and food. I covered the cage with a towel to keep it dark. Mum seemed very happy with this until this morning. She was desperate to get out so I let her out. She then went back into the cage and took out one kitten and tried to move it back under the bath. Unfortunately I cant let her keep them under the bath as we have 4 children and 3 other cats and I dont think this is a safe place for her. She settled in a very small cardboard box on the landing with just the one kitten. I rang the vet who advised that I move the other kittens to be with her as she had been gone nearly an hour and they were crying. I moved them in the blacket they were laying on so that I didnt transfer my scent onto them. She accepted the kittens and fed them but has now left the box and kittens alone. I am concerned as I dont feel where she is is safe enough. How will the other cats be with the kittens? I can keep the children away as much as I can but I cant protect the kittens from the other cats while they are alone upstairs. Should I move the big cage upstairs and lock them all in it in a safe quiet room and leave her be? We havent handled the kittens so hopefully she isnt rejecting them. Thanks very much.

If your cat loves you, then the reason she is coming out from where the kittens are, is get your attention. It is not normal for them to neglect the babies, but they also want you to pet and love them.  Try to put her and the kittens on the floor of a closet that is not too crowded, with the door open a little for a little light, in a bedroom where no other animals can disturb them.
The room door should be closed, but you or your mature family members should visit regularly and even allow her out of the room, when she is anxious to be with you. Return her to the room in which her closet is, after an hour or so.
She feels that even though she has babies, she still wants your attention for herself. Take it from me. Think about how you would feel, if you were her.
Make sure that you come and pet her regularly. Wait for her to come out of the closet and greet her with lots of joy and love.

Good luck,
