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New kitten


I have a cat that is 2 years old and i am getting another kitten from a rescue center how will my cat and the new kitten act with eachother and is there anything i should do to introduce them?

The important thing is to pay a lot of attention to the older cat, so that it doesn't feel that you are going to neglect it for the kitten. It is exactly like bringing a new baby home from the hospital and having sibling rivalry with your older baby.
When you get home put the carrier in the middle of the floor and allow the older cat to smell it and check out the new kitten. Then aftr about half an hour just open the door to the carrier and watch them carefully. Hissing is normal, allow them some uninteupted time, but watch for serious attacks on the kitten.
If you see this then, put the kitten in another room and try again the next day for short periods. A little at a time will work. Sometimes they get along really well immediately and sometimes it takes a while. Just play it by ear.

Good luck,