Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > OMG tell me he didnt knock up my Bengal!

OMG tell me he didnt knock up my Bengal!


QUESTION: I have a sweet Bengal girl and she is over 2 and NOT fixed for the fact that one day i wanted to have 1 NICE litter of kittens for friends and family,BUT i had my sisters male unfixed long haired mutt over here for 1 day when her house was being painted and i couldnt keep the cats off of each other for real everytime i would leave the room i would hear them going at it....please tell me there is a chance my kitty isnt going to have strange fluffy mutt kittys! is there a kitty morning after pill lol!

ANSWER: I am not sure what you mean by 'going at it'.  Was your Bengal girl actually in season when your sister's cat was there?  If she wasn't in season then possibly your 'going at it' means they were fighting as they were strange to each other?  A cat will not normally accept a cat mating her unless she is already in season.

There are not any official morning after pills here in the UK though I cannot speak for anywhere else in the world, but even if she is pregnant it is not the end of the world as she can have a pure Bengal litter the next time.  You will know in approximately 21 days as her teats will become larger and should become pink.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: How would I know if she is in season....he bit her neck and looked like he was doing all he could to mate and she made loud sounds....sorry as you can see I know little about cat breeding as we didn't have kittens in mind at this time

A cat in season will do a lot of rolling and shouting and will be very affectionate.  She will also take a pose of front end low to the group, back end up in the air, with her tail to one side (signifying her readiness for mating) and will 'tread' with her back feet.  If she was in season and the start coincided with the one day that your sister's cat arrived, then it would be extremely bad luck, but the signs of a season would continue for a few days even if she had been mated.  Is she still doing the things I have said?  If so then it was pure bad luck that she took this time to do it.

You could of course take her to a vet if you are unsure if she has mated for his opinion on whether there is any pill available to abort a pregnancy.

Just another thought for you to consider.  You say she is over 2 years old and I guess from what you have told me that she hasn't had a litter.  It may be best to consider having kittens from her sooner rather than later as I would not recommend breeding from a cat after the age of 3 years.  She should however have had quite a few seasons by now so wonder if something may amiss here as Bengals usually mature at quite an early age.  Again, something that you really need to see a vet about.
