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Is my cat going into labour?



My cat is heavily pregnant and for the past 2 days she has been much more active, a few hours ago she went to the litter tray and wee'd more than usual, there was some green gunk there and her fur was quite damp for a while. She is still eating and her kittens are still kicking, but not as much. She can't seem to get comfortable tonight. Her breathing also goes fast now and then Will she be going into labour soon?


Dear Jack

Do you by any change know when your cat mated?  If so you should be counting 65 days from that date which will give you the early date but of course she could go beyond.

If you don't know when she was mated then it gets a little more grey.  It sounds as thought she is getting near to delivery but unfortunately cats don't read the text book and they are all individuals.  The green gunk could be the first stage though normally they tend to eat less before delivery.  The kittens will become quieter and Mum's shape will change as the kittens drop ready to take up birthing position.

Keep an eye on her and try not to leave her on her own too long as I am sure she will appreciate your support.  She may discharge a little more before contractions start but each is an individual and nothing can be certain.  Some take a few hours from the first signs of dampness, some 2 or 3 days.

I'm sorry I can't be more specific but I think you should be getting ready for the happy event.

