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Conception problem


I have a queen that has had 2 litters with no problems and I put her with a new proven stud twice and no conception.
She is not sick and the vet checked her out and said she did
not have any uterus infection. She is in heat again.
I got some breed heat and the taste was so bad she was foaming at the mouth. Just put her on Clindamycin and Clavamox. Any suggestion?

I'm not sure what Breed Heat is as we don't have that in the UK.  However it might be worth getting her checked out to see if she is producing the right hormones to ovulate and maintain a pregnancy.  I don't know the name of the test but your vet might know.  Of course there may be an infection but you are giving her antibiotics for that.

Another thing to think about is in Persians the boy can get a ring of hair around his penis blocking him actually penetrating far enough so wonder if the boy has been checked for that. If he has, once removed successful matings usually follow.
