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Can a pregnant cat still come in the season?


Hi, We have a BSH Silver tabby who was mated for the first time 3 weeks ago. she finished her call after mating and we thought that would be it untill the kittens were born but it appears she has come in to heat again. although she is only calling occasionally and isn't as frantic as she was the first 3 times she called but she is spraying around the house. Can she be pregnant and still call like this?

Hi Louise

There is a possibility that she may not be pregnant.  Some cats don't get pregnant on the first visit to stud so this may be the case here.

However, others do have what we call a 'break through' call at around the 3 week mark which is usually much weaker, even though they are pregnant.  

Have you checked for outward signs of pregnancy, i.e. enlargened and pinker teats?  If she doesn't have these signs between 3-4 weeks from mating then it is possible that she isn't pregnant.
