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Cats having Constipation


Dear Madam

I have a problem with my three cats. i used to feed them meats of heads of chicken , they like it very much n each with great intrest. bt they got severe constipation . when they pass stool blood comes and its very much difficult for them to pass stool. please guide me about this problem solution.

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Since this is not a balanced diet, I would stop feeding that regularly.   They could have it once in a while as a treat.   When they are constipated they need fiber....such as PLAIN canned pumpkin  ..a teaspoon or two in some canned food.  Cats need a balanced diet to avoid problems such as constipation and vitamin deficiency.   If you want to feed raw you must add vitamins to the diet  and it needs to be more than just the heads.  Chicken bones can be dangerous to cats since they splinter  so not a good idea.
Try a good quality canned or dry food.  There is also a product called Laxaire with will help them move their bowels, you can put about a one inch piece of Vaseline on their paws to lick off to help move the bowels.  IF the blood continues you need to visit your veterinarian for advice.