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non active and active reg advice


Was wondering if i bought a kitten cat on the GCCF non active registry how do i go about getting it changed to the active registry. And what would i need from the breeder?

Also what would i do if i already have a cat on the non active registry and want to change it onto the active registry and the cat is in my name?


Tobe able to transfer your cat onto the active register you need your breeder's agreement.

You need to contact the GCCF who will send you the appropriate form and you and the breeder will need to sign it and it then needs to be returned to the GCCF with the appropriate fee.

I would strongly recommend that you discuss this with your breeder beforehand as there may be some very good reason why your cat is on the non active register, such as genetic problems in the line or the cat not being up to a good enough standard to produce future generations.
