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Long hair Short hair


Dear Doctor Ray
I have been having Persian cats for long time , and I was looking for a pedigree pure male Persian cat as mu stud. at about 6 months before I bough a pure pedigree white male Persian kitten from Ukraine .he's now about 8 months old . his face is so much flat , he has big eyes , a big head . exactly a pure Persian pedigree . but i just don't know why his fur or hair is not that much long that it's supposed to be . you see , when i bought him he was about 50 days old and he was so much furry , his hair was so much long I mean . but nowadays he does not enjoy that long hair anymore . however , his hair is still so long and incomparable with the hair of ordinary  cats . but as i told you , having some other Persian cats I can see that his hair is not that as long as others . however , as i mentioned his hair is still that much long as I am sure that he's not an exotic breed .
I just want you to help me . what should i feed him in order to make his hair go longer ? I do not have any access to his parents and his breeder . so you're the only one who can help me I'm afraid .
Thank you so much
Soheil from the country of Iran .

Hi Soheil
What you may have is a cat who sheds his coat in late autumn rather that keeling a long coat all the time. Some semi long haired cats do shed their coat at different times throughout the year and it sounds like he is one of them. If you are satisfied that he is not an exotic then just live with the fact that he will have a shorter coat at different times throughout the year
Also remember to groom him regularly as if he sprays he may get what is known as stud tail.
