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How to start



I am interested in owning and possibly breeding Turkish Angora's.  I live in the Texas Hill country, own my home, and have a lot of acreage.  


This is not a question. If you are asking for me to help you in your search to begin with this venture, I am happy to speak with you about it.
You can either call me or email me and we can talk about it. Let me know if this is what you wish to do.
I know a few breeders in Texas but they are new or very small. You will need to have some instruction and information about the Turkish Angora breed and perhaps some about the ins and outs of breeding them.
Please let me know your phone number or ask for mine. We can proceed much easier that way. Then we can begin your venture into The TA.
They are the sweetest, most beautiful and loving breed in the world. But some are much sweeter than others. Mine are guaranteed for good temperament as well as most good qualities.
