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my 10 month old had a litter of 6 kittens


my question, is more of a concern. i had gotten a kitten, about 11 monthes ago now, she got pregnant nearly immediatly. and birthed a littler of six kittens, who are just a month old a few days ago. my queen has been quite different since this obviously. however she has done a great job maintaining the health of all 6 kittens. she does not gain any nutritional value from anything, she literally weighs about 4 pounds. her kittens all seem up to par, furry little blue eyed they have teeth, and are just begining to eat on some wet kitten food as well/ the queen has had constant diarreha that smells absolutly terrible, i got some hollistic powder to aid in her digestion from pte meds, it doesnt seem to be doing much. she is constantly crying to me, she wants to eat 24/7 she will wake me up several times in a nights sleep for more food. im so worried, but really can't afford a vet visit, on her one side i can feel some type of muscle or something, i really don't know what it is, with my imagination it feels like a kitten in there, she did birth all 6 in under an hour. i just really want to help her, what can i do to help her feel better? she makes alot of new noises since becomming a mother, meows i never heared before, that truly ound like she is crying. any help would be appreciated. thanks so much

I am not sure how I can help you here
In my opinion you really need to visit the vet as soon as possible.
There are several causes as to why the diarrhoea. She could have major infections and there is also the possibility that she may have a dead kitten still inside.
Please do take her to the vet as soon as possible, most vets are happy to let people pay the bill in stages. Also you could look to wards the PDSA or some sort of pet charity, in your country who would help

