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My expecting girl


Hey there
My bio-color Persian girl Katya is pregnant for the second time , 5 months after her first pregnancy . I have bought her calcium syrup and multivitamin syrup as she's now 5 weeks pregnant . I would like you to tell me how much can I daily feed her by these two syrups , and from which week I would better start it ? Is that really needed or not ?
Thank you

Hi Soheil

If your girl is having a good quality diet she shouldn't need any supplements and I would definitely be very careful about using the calcium syrup as if you get the balance wrong, it can be disasterous.

If you do feel you need to give her anything then do only give her about a quarter of the amount suggested for a child.  Do reassess the quality of food you are giving her as the food companies have done a lot of research to ensure the optimum balance is in their food and to start messing around with it by supplementing with any more can actually cause problems rather than benefit them.
