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Female in heat


I have a 9 month old female mixed breed that is going through her first heat cycle.  She is an indoor cat and I do not want any kittens. She went into heat before we could get her spayed.  My question is a multiple one. How long does it last?  How often does it occur? (so I know how long I have to get her spayed) What can I do to make her more comfortable? (the crying in the middle of the night is making us all cranky and sleep deprived) Any help would be appreciated.  

Make an appointment with your vet for about ten days from now. That should give her time to come out of heat and not go back in again. Each cat has a diffent cycle and I can not give your time frames. But the time I have given you should be fine.

Next time please spay or neuter your pet cat before the age of 6 months to avoid this problem.

Good luck,