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Health care question...


Hello! I know you are in the cat breeding/showing section, but I really need someone to answer my question, and there are no other people available...Heres my problem: I have an older neutered male cat. He is 11 years old. Over the past few months I have noticed some small bumps under his skin, on his back and near his hips. Could this be a sign of arthritis, or even worse, cancer of some sort? My mom does not think he needs to be taken to the vet because he's not showing signs of pain, but it worries me greatly. What do you think I should do? Thanks so much for your help.

Hi there,

Bumps can be just about anything, abcesses, cysts or unfortunately yes, cancer.  Most of these wouldn't initially be painful but all of them would require vet care.  I would be really concerned as the places you mention are exactly where vaccines would be given and these are prime spots for vaccine site sarcoma's (tumor).  All this being said I AM NOT A VET.  My suggestion would be to take him in to see one.


PS:  Here's some information about vaccine site sarcomas, so you can arm yourself with information before you go to the vet.
