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breeding my cat


I found a cat last week and took him in. I was told that my cat would be great for breeding because he has one green eye and one blue eye. He is almost all white with only three gray spots on him. I really don't know too much about cats or all of the breeds out there. I was told that if I put him with the right female cat that the baby would go for alot of money. Is all this true? How do I find out? Where do I find the right female to breed him with? And just for the record, I'm just trying to find out and it's not about the money!!!!

Hi Angela

Well done for taking the cat in as I'm sure it will have a good home now.

As you have found your cat, then you don't know any of the background as to what breed (if indeed he is a specific breed).  Because he has two different colour eyes will not mean that he will pass on that feature and indeed if he is of mixed parentage, you have no way of knowing what he would produce to any particular female.  In essence, all you will have is non pedigree kittens anyway which certainly in the UK would not attract very good prices.  They would be sold for around half or less of the price of a pedigree, which would not cover the associated costs of rearing the babies to 13 weeks, inoculating them, feeding them a good quality diet from the age of 4 weeks and all the cat litter they will get through.

You ask as to finding the right female, well as I've mentioned above, you won't know what is the idea female as you have no idea of what his parentage is and it will be very much 'hit and miss'.

I would recommend that you have your boy neutered and give him that loving home that he so much deserves.  If you decide to breed cats then do start with a good quality pedigree from a breeder who is willing to mentor you as so many things can and do go wrong.  It is good to have a knowledgeable person to mentor  you when these things happen.
