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male cats


i have a male cat that's about 2-3 years old right now. He's been peeing all over the house with a bad smell. i was wondering if i should neuter him or find him a female cat. if neuter is the answer, give me some good and low cost clinics. i live near Brooklyn, NY. THANK YOU.

Hi Michelle

The action he is doing is called 'spraying'. It is the action of an entire male marking his territory. The idea of getting him a female would be a bad one as he would require access to a different female every time he had made one pregnant. Of course you could him a spayed female to keep him company but he would still continue to spray.

If you plan to keep him indoors on his own then he should be neutered as soon as possible to reduce his hormone and testosterone. Unfortunately I cannot give you any information on clinics in the USA as I live in England. I can only suggest that you got to the breeder or shelter you got him from and ask the name of their veterinarian and use them or use your Yellow Pages and look for PDSA type clinics who would carry out the neutering for a reasonable cost.

Also could I suggest that you make sure his litter tray is cleaned at least twice a day to encourage him to use it and not pee all over the place.
