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My cat is pregnant..............


Hi! It's me again. Sorry to say,but this is going to be a long one. Well, I got your messages and I'm going to answer your questions. You see, Socks is an American Shorthair. Her,along with another cat,named Momma Kitty,(she's an 11yr.old tabby)are our barn cats. They get the mice on our 24acre yard that has a corn field on it.(that's why the mice are here. to get the corn left over by the combine.)Anyway,we don't have to worry about Momma Kitty getting pregnant. When she was 5, she wandered into our yard as a stray. We took her in and a couple months later, she got pregnant and had four babies. Once they were weaned, we got her fixed. Then we became interested in breeding them. So, we went to a breeder and got Socks. The only thing was, we hadn't known there were other barn cat around, and that's how she got pregnant. WE can't keep her inside because we have a pe bird and Socks has attacked him twice. WE were lucky, sinse he didn't get hurt both times. Instead, his cage was nocked off the stand both of those times. So we can't keep her in without our supervision. So, while we're gone, we keep her locked up in the garage with her cat condo and available food and water at all times, and a liter box which is changed every day. Also, thanks for the advice! When she is closer to having them, we will leave her inside my room, with the door closed, her little cardboard box in a quiet corner with a liter box close by. And her favorite pillow in her cardboard box. Is there anything else I can Do besides taking her to the vet on the weekend to see if she's going along well?  

It is difficlt to raise pedigreed cats under the conditions that you describe. The cat and her kittenw will need to be kept indoors until they are weaned and perhaps sold.
Every time the female goes outdoors, you risk her  becoming pregnant. You will not have a chance to breed purebred kittens, because she will alway be geting pregnant before you can arrange the pedigreed stud.

I think that you are doomed to fail unless you keep her indoors. She is not a barn cat and if you plan to use her as one then get her spayed.

By the way, do not put a pillow in the box for the kittens. In the beginning, you should put some newspaper for her to pull apart and use to deliver the babies on.
After they are born and she is cleaned up, put a folded towel in the box to act as bedding.

Good luck!!
