Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > my cat

my cat


QUESTION: Hi ... i have a cat she was one in november so she is a fully grown cat and i was wondering if you could help me answer this question.. she mated with more than one cat in our garden on the 27th of February 2010 this went on for days .... now there are no male cats around and when there is they don't go near her is she pregnant ?
she has been very quiet since , follows me , and is willing to stay in and when shes out she doesn't move from the garden ? i would be great full for advice as this is my first cat ...

ANSWER: Dear Gracey

A cat's heat lasts for about a week and after that the male cats will not be interested in her unless she comes back into heat again which may be around 3 weeks or may be longer.  If she is pregnant, your kittens will be due sometime from the 1st May.

If you do not want any kittens then I would suggest that you keep her in the house until she has either had her kittens and been neutered, or if she calls again, take her to be neutered when she has finished her next call.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you ....
i have one more question if you dont mind ..
there was a male cat in the garden yesterday when she was out and he nevr touched her and she didnt go near him hoiw will i no if shes pregnent ?
i had a feel off her belly lastnight she seems a bit rounder also  i felt her nipples to and there was a hard feeling just around ther nipples and didint like me touching them ?

im new to this as its my first cat  any advice and smythoms of cat preg you can tell me would be great ,

Dear Gracey

The signs of pregnancy are pink nipples which will happen at around 21-28 days and they will also be larger than normal.  Do try to check when she has been walking around a little so that pinkness is not due to being warm.  Rounding of the tummy will start from around that date too.  
