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breeding house cats


I have two male kitties one around 1 1/2 years old and the other around 6-7 months. I also have a 6-7 month old female kitty who is evidently permanently in heat. We are interested in getting some new kittens but it seems our male kitties don't have a clue as to what to do when the female kitty constantly trying for there 'attention'. Is there anything I can do to teach these uninformed male kitties?

HI Sean

Well I'm afraid its really a case of nature will take its course.  To be honest its just as well the boys haven't a clue at the moment as though your female is on heat, she really is too young to be having kittens.  Ideally she should be around a year old before she should be breeding.  Whilst your older boy is at the right age, your younger boy is probably too young to realise what he is supposed to do.  As to your older boy, I have known boys not get the idea until 2.5 or even 3 years old.  

The other thing to think about is that sometimes having the male and females together constantly tends to 'breed contempt'.  They get too used to each other and don't mate at all.  This is more unusual but again is not unknown.

I think patience is the watchword here I'm afraid.
