Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > Balinese Or Siamese

Balinese Or Siamese


Hello. Me and my fiance are looking to get a kitten. We want a
Balinese or Siamese. We found a kitten we are interested, but the people say
he is Siamese, I think it is a Balinese. How can I tell. Would I be able
to send you a picture and you could tell me you opinion?? PLease
contact me back asap
thank you
melissa moran

Hi Melissa

A Siamese is a very short haired cat where a Balinese is slightly longer haired especially on its tail.  By all means send me a photo to please put All Experts in the subject line and I'll see if I can tell though from pictures as kittens it may not be so easy.  Perhaps pictures from different angles.
