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Pure Persians & Puberty In Toms


Hello- I've always worked with CPC Persians. I have recently acquired a pair of pure persians. My tom is 1 yr 3 mos old and showing no interest in breeding (to any of my 3 queens [some CPC and the one pure] which are constantly in/out of heat this time of year.) My female pure is 1 1/2 years old and has had several heats. I have been told that pure Persians are slower to mature. Do you find this unusual that my male has no bred thus far? When is an average age of puberty in pure Persian toms? Both testicles are descended and palpate normally. My CPC tom was a sire at 7 months. I attempted to research info on breeding pure Persians and found no results. Thank you!

Dear Betty

Just like humans, cats are individuals and mature at different rates.  It is  not unknown for a boy not to start working until 2/3 years old so there is still time for him.  

The other thing to consider is whether he feels they are his 'family' if he runs with them all the time.  In the wild male cats would roam and not be with the females all the time, mainly just coming into contact with them when they are in season.  It may be worth trying separating him for a while to see if that will help his desires.

