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Male Stud


Hi!  I have a male stud, Maxi, that I purchased this past summer at one and a half years old.  I am almost positive Max is a peke faced Persian even thou his papers do not say it.  Max is a very well bred Persian with full breeding and show rights and many champions in his bloodlines, but mainly he is my big boy.  I am wanting to know if it is reasonable for me to ask any potential Queens to provide proof of all vaccinations including FeLV?  I would love to start a breeding program, but mainly I want to make sure my boy is okay.  Also, what is a reasonable price to ask for stud?  He is proven as my Himalayan Chloe is pregnant with her first planned litter at two years of age!

Also, he used to spray but I got the diffuser version of Feliway and it has eliminated his problem.  My house is much more enjoyable to live in now.  Thanks for the help!

Dear Meg

Of course it is more than reasonable to make sure any visiting queens are looked after to the same standard as you keep your boy.  Here is the UK it is standard practice for the queen's owners to bring along their vaccination card and the results of a FeLV and FIV test.  It is also normal practice for the stud owner to show the same records to the queen's owner.

As to price for stud, I can only give you an idea of UK prices but they may vary in the States (I assume you are in the USA).  Here stud service could vary from $500 upwards to perhaps $1000, but I would suggest that you make enquiries more locally.
