Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > male cat not ejaculating!!

male cat not ejaculating!!



I have been trying to mate my 2 persians, but the male seems to penetrate the female for a second but withdraws out right away without ejaculating (That what seems to me). The female would start to move her hind legs up and down in a vigorous fast way and growls (which I think means the male starting penetrating), but as soon as he gets off her she won't go through the rolling over process! and sometimes the male would just mount the female without penetration at all and then just gets off the female!

what is wrong with my male? I am starting to think that he might have pain or something in his penis in which makes him reluctant to ejaculate.


Dear Khalifa

You do not say how old your male is or whether he has sired kittens before.  If he is young it could be that it is inexperience which will resolve itself in due course.  If he is an older experienced boy then may I suggest that you check his penis.  Sometimes with Persians their fur can form a ring around the penis preventing sufficient penetration.  If this is the case then you will need to cut it off very carefully with blunt scissors.

However, if it is neither of the above cases then I do think you should have him checked out by a vet.

