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Particular Cat Breed


Hi Marcia,

I am by no means a cat breeder and have ever only owned one cat in my entire life.
However, I was hoping you may be able to help me identify a particular cat breed that a few of my friends have owned.
The cat I will attempt to describe (and hopefully you can name) is ginger, has long fur and often has a large bushy tail.
(Here is a image of one
I don't know if they are a particular breed or if other cats can possess these traits too.


I have been advised that you may not have received my reply to this question.

I think I replied along these lines.  

Most non pedigree cats can have some pedigree blood in their ancestory and it is difficult to give an opinion on a photograph.  Many breeds possess certain characteristics and it is possible that this cat could have Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest or Siberian cats in its background.

I am sure that whatever its ancestors are, your friends adore their cat for itself.

