Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Breeding and Showing Cats > males not intrested

males not intrested


QUESTION: hi i have a Persian male who is nearly 4 and lots of grand champs in father and grand father etc etc all the way along the same with his mother etc but he just wont mate with the females they come in and out of heat and still nothing he has 3 to choose from, what can i do to help him along ???? as i don't really want to replace his yet as he has such good lineage ??

ANSWER: Dear Amina

You don't say whether your girls are continually with your boy and if this is the case then I would suggest that you remove him from them until they come into heat as often familiarity breeds contempt.

If he is in fact separate normally then I have to say that at the age of 4 years old it is becoming unlikely that he will mate with the girls and you may have to consider replacing him.  Before you make any final decisions though it may be a good idea to seek veterinary help in case there is some problem that you have not noticed.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes he is normally with them all the time , could u explain to me why he would be unlikely please as it may sound strange but i thought when a female come into heat males go made for fricky but he just seems not bothered ,? they r super long haired would u suggest i shaved his  underbelly incase this is the problem ?

It is the next thing to try taking him away from the girls as sometimes males don't view girls they are with all the time as potential mates.  Admittedly it does seem odd but it has worked for some others.

I wouldn't shave his tummy but you might consider checking there is no fur forming a ring round his penis and causing him discomfort.
