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breeding cats


Hi i was just wondering can you breed two cats with the same parents but from different litters.  I have one cat already a ragdoll X persian.  She is 11 months old and i am wanting to breed her with the same type of cat.  Can i get another one from the next litter of kittens and put them together when they are old enough..


Both these kittens will be brother and sister even though from different litters, so I would not recommend this type of close mating in these circumstances.

Other points that you need to be aware of.
1. The male once old enough to mate will require his own accommodation as he will spray all over the place. Do you have space to give him.
2. Once the female is pregnant the male will still require access to females to keep him happy or he will be calling all day every day, do you have knowledge of who would want to bring their queen to this tom?
3. Once the queen has kittens what are your plans for these? They will need vaccinations and then re homed. This costs money a lot of money.

The two cats and any kittens will not be pedigree but really just moggies.
If you want to go into breeding then you need ot be aware of these issues and when you have answered them honestly and still feel the need to mate the cat, then take her to a male from different parents
